ESS Technology has commissioned a long-duration energy storage (LDES) system at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol (AMS).
This system will support the electrification of ground operations at the airport. It will enable Schiphol to phase out diesel ground power units that currently supply electrical power to aircraft. Instead, these wil be replaced with Electric Ground Power Units (E-GPUs).

Oscar Maan, Royal Schiphol Group manager of innovation said:Schiphol intends to be a zero-emission airport by 2030 across our buildings, assets and equipment. Cutting edge, clean technology such as ESS’ iron flow battery system enables us to decarbonise ground operations and is a vital step for us to progress towards this sustainable future. As leaders of the TULIPS consortium, we hope this project demonstrates how clean technology can be implemented in the aviation industry throughout Europe.
ESS Technology’s iron-flow LDES solution will power the Energy Warehouse for Schiphol’s E-GPUs. This will enable the elecfication of ground support equipment while reducing the need to upgrade regional grid infrastructure.
Specifiaclly, the company states that this solution is ideal for equipment requiring up to twelve hours of flexible energy capacity. The technology was also selected due to its inherent fire safety, making it safe to use in close proximity to passenger aircraft.
Eric Dresselhuys, CEO of ESS said:Amsterdam Airport Schiphol has set an ambitious goal for decarbonisation and has provided great leadership in taking the necessary actions to make it real. This project provides a blueprint for LDES to safely provide clean, reliable energy in airport operations and reduce fossil fuel dependence. This pioneering project will encourage other European airports to follow the TULIPS lead and deploy technologies to achieve climate targets and accelerate air industry decarbonisation.