Fairbanks International Airport (FAI) Is Pleased to Announce the Launching of the Safety Management System (SMS)
The Fairbanks International Airport (FAI) is pleased to announce the launching of the Safety Management System (SMS) is underway. SMS will aid our efforts of delivering a safe, customer friendly, and competitive aviation transportation system that promotes the community’s prosperity.

FAI has taken the first step with the program by offering an anonymous Hazard Reporting Portal allowing everyone, including passengers, tenants, employees, stakeholders, and visitors to report any non-emergency potentially hazardous conditions, incidents and/or occurrences which may compromise the safe conduct of all Airport operations and functions. FAI is working with Civix to implement the program, AirportIQ, to manage SMS data.
SMS is a formal method for managing safety with a focus on proactive risk mitigation. SMS builds on an FAI’s current safety program, which is systematic, structured and data driven; has senior leadership commitment; treats safety as a core value; and seeks to proactively mitigate hazards and their associated risks. In order for an SMS to be effective, it requires the participation from all parties.
Everyone at FAI is encouraged to voluntarily report safety information critical to identifying precursors to accidents via the SMS platform. Early identification is essential for reducing accident rates and injuries, and leads to the proactive identification of hazards and their associated risks; development of corrective actions; and increased education of appropriate parties.
This article was originally published by the State of Alaska – Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities.