HIAL Proposes Construction of Coastal Defences at Stornoway Airport – Marine Licence Pre-Application Consultation
Highlands and Islands Airports Limited (HIAL) is proposing to carry out coastal protection along Broad Bay Beach to protect the infrastructure and future operation of Stornoway Airport.
The proposed works comprise the construction of defences at the head of the existing beach and sand / dune interface, along the north-eastern boundary of the airport. This will be in the form of:
- Reno mattress and gabion baskets, laid on a slope on the dune face. Length 1180m.
- The existing rock armour defence at the runway end will also be repaired and realigned. Length 400m.
- On the estuary side, some further reno mattress will be installed to halt erosion here. Length 100m.
Please note these are the same works that have been submitted for Planning Approval 26 February 2021 Reference Number 21 / 00098 / PPD. This Consultation is a separate exercise in relation to a Marine Licence Application for the Works.
A pre-application consultation event will take place online via the video conferencing application ‘Teams’. The event will take place on 8 July 2021 starting at 7pm. (In line with the temporary amendments to the Pre-Application Legislation as a result of the Covid Restrictions.) The event will provide an opportunity for the public and stakeholders to consider and comment on the prospective application.

Information about the coastal defences proposals will be available online from 24 June 2021. From that date, they can be viewed on the Stornoway Airport Website. A link will also be provided to allow you to join the on-line consultation event.
The project information will also include a link to allow you to leave comment or ask questions, as well as any requests for further information. Alternatively, you can email or call the Project Design Consultants, working on behalf of HIAL, for the project at [email protected] or 07767 491 087. Alternatively, by post to; Pick Everard, The Beacon, 176 St Vincent St, Glasgow, G2 5SW. The closing time for comment or feedback is 5pm on Monday 12 July 2021
Please note that comments made to HIAL are not representations to the Scottish Ministers.
This article was originally published by Highlands and Islands Airports Limited.