Tampa International Airport (TPA) has provided an update on the ongoing construction projects at the airport.
This includes the expansion and renovation of the Main Terminal and several Airsides to help deliver an improved travel experience.
Red Side Expansion
Construction work is continuing to progress on TPA’s Red Express Curbsides and the expansion on the Red Side of the Main Terminal.
The old Administration Building has been demolished and the Red Express Curbsides building has started to take shape in its place. This building will offer a streamlined experience for TPA passengers who do not need to check bags.

The terminal’s third level is also growing outwards to encompass new retail space and a shuttle platform for the future Airside D system.
Baggage Claim
As part of TPA’s renovation across Level 1 of the Main Terminal, the Red Side Baggage Claim is being transformed.
New lighting, LED signage, carpeting and ceiling tiles are being installed in six phases, with completion expected by December 2024.

A and E Security Checkpoints
As Airsides A and E were designed and built before the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) was created, they require more room to accommodate modern security checkpoints.
Both Airsides are therefore gaining around 20,000 square feet of extra space to make room for screening lanes and the latest equipment.

Crews are currently preparing the footprint for the expansion at both Airsides and partitions are being put in place to separate travellers from the construction areas.
The project is scheduled to be completed by Summer 2025.
A and C Shuttle Replacements
TPA is updating its Airsides A and C automated people mover (APM) shuttles.
These were last upgraded in the 1990s and have run for more than a million miles each.

Pairs of brand-new shuttle cars are due to start arriving in Autumn 2024, with all four pairs scheduled to be operational by Spring 2025.
The concrete guideways that the shuttles run on are also being rebuilt, so currently, only one shuttle is in operation at each Airside as the concrete is replaced.