The UK government’s Department for Transport (DfT) has updated its ‘Air passenger travel guide‘ to help passengers understand their rights and responsibilities.
These guidelines, formerly known as the ‘Aviation passenger charter,’ detail what people can expect from airlines, travel agents and airports throughout their journey.
They also provide recommendations on what to do if things do not go to plan, including advice for when flights are cancelled or delayed or when baggage goes missing.

The guidelines also detail the rights of disabled passengers and provide advice on how to complain if passengers feel they have been treated unfairly.
In addition, they offer general advice on what to expect at passport control, what you can bring through UK customs and how to manage connecting flights. This includes information on the nation’s changing security protocols from July 2024, when passengers will no longer be required to remove liquids and electronics from their hand luggage.
Aviation Minister Baroness Vere said:Whether going on holiday, travelling for business or visiting loved ones, we all want our journeys to be smooth and without any hiccups, which is why the air passenger travel guide is so important. Having a one-stop shop of information and advice, which is clear and concise, will help improve the overall travel experience and make sure passengers are getting what they deserve.