WheelTug plc and Düsseldorf Airport have signed a memorandum of understanding to conduct a FASTGate (Fast And Safe Turn) feasibility study that will assess the airport’s readiness for e-taxi procedures.
The study will identify any process, safety or technological gaps and determine the corresponding measures that will enable the airport to use WheelTug’s electric taxiing solution.
The WheelTug system consists of motorised nose wheels that allow pilots to independently manoeuvre an aircraft without using the main engines.

The study will asses the effectiveness of this system in increasing airside efficiency and decreasing carbon and noise emissions alongside other financial and non-financial factors.
Mosdorf, CFO of Flughafen Düsseldorf GmbH:We are very excited about the upcoming feasibility study, as the WheelTug system could fit very well into our sustainability strategy. In addition to reducing emissions, the opportunity to make apron procedures more efficient is a promising one for us.
Following a similar feasibility study at Mumbai International Airport that predicted yearly airside operational savings at tens of millions of USD, Düsseldorf Airport and WheelTug believe that this solution will help make airside operations more cost-effective, safer and greener.
WheelTug has already signed letters of intent with two dozen airlines on five continents for more than 2,000 WheelTug systems, with AlbaStar signing to be its launch customer in Europe.