Airport Regions Council is the association of regional and local authorities with an airport situated within or near their territories. ARC represents the interests of its members and brings together a wide range of expertise at the interface of airports and air transport with local and regional policies. A common concern is to maximise the benefits generated by airports and to minimise their environmental impact.

Our vision is to bring together a region and an airport and to facilitate their interaction and cooperation on all levels, ranging from governance, economy, environment, urban planning and mobility, allowing them to work together to improve residents’ quality of life, to avoid, prevent, minimise and compensate the negative impacts of airport activities and providing its members with tools and knowledge to plan, invest, share and maximise the benefits of the aviation sector.

​Our mission is to communicate and disseminate airport regions’ interests towards the European institutions and key airport and aviation stakeholders. We maintain solid relationships with several members of the European Parliament who care about the same goals and share the same vision. ARC is also present in numerous conferences and political forums where policy is being discussed together with the main aviation stakeholders. ARC is building a professional network and a platform to foster knowledge building and sharing. ARC helps its members to be updated with the state of art and to anticipate aviation changes by enabling fast and extensive access to research studies, EU projects, press releases, trainings and news on current issues.

​Our values are quality of life of citizens neighbouring airports, the lowest possible impact on the environment and economic growth of airport regions and care about the human factor which is inseparable from this evolution.


Rue Montoyer 21

1000 Brussels


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