The Idaho Airport Management Association (IAMA) provides a forum for Idaho airports, governing bodies and consultants to share information and ideas, make contacts, and provide united support for important issues concerning aviation.

The Association provides those involved with airport management a network of information and experience as well as valuable contacts in the airport management industry.

The purpose of the association is to:

  • Determine standards of airport management.
  • Promote professional stability in airport administration.
  • Promote the highest standards possible in all technical operations necessary to the public safety and efficient airport control.
  • Establish a systematic interchange of experience in the development and maintenance of airports.
  • Promote understanding by the general public of the value of aviation and the airport and foster public recognition of the airport.
  • Cooperate with other organizations interested in the general benefit of aviation.


c/o Dave Mitchell
2471 S. Titanium Pl.
ID 83642

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Call: 1 888 965 6542